Concepts of Epidemiology 1.Describe the historical antecedents of epidemiology. How did modern epidemiology evolve from these antecedents? Your response must be at least 200-400 words in length. 2. Wh

  Concepts of Epidemiology

1.Describe the historical antecedents of epidemiology. How did modern epidemiology evolve from these antecedents?

Your response must be at least 200-400 words in length.

2. What are some important applications of epidemiology for assessing the delivery of health services? Present at least two such important applications.

Your response must be at least 200-400 words in length.

3. Discuss recent important applications of epidemiology. Present at least two important applications of epidemiology over the past twenty years.

Your response must be at least 200-400 words in length.

4. Summarize key applications of epidemiology that are relevant to disease etiology. Discuss at least two such important applications.

Your response must be at least 200-400 words in length.