To what extent has keeping a food journal helped you so far? To what extent do you think it can, or will, help you? To what extent have you been surprised by any of your own thoughts and/or be

  • To what extent has keeping a food journal helped you so far? 
  • To what extent do you think it can, or will, help you? 
  • To what extent have you been surprised by any of your own thoughts and/or behaviors that are related to your food journal entries? 
  • To what extent have the five components of habit reversal, setting rules, and changing emotional perceptions of food helped you so far?  Have you applied any of them consciously or unconsciously in the past?  If so, to what extent were they effective in helping you to reverse habits? 
  • To what extent will you continue to use a food journal beyond this class?  Why or why not?

Write a 500 word paper to address the questions above.  You are required to cite your sources in the body of your text properly, include a reference page, and use APA style.

Read and cite David kesslers end to overeating book