Annotated Bibiliography on Health care legislation

HLTH 556 FINAL ASSESSMENT BIBLIOGRAPHY INSTRUCTIONSCreate a bibliography of your Final Assessment resources. Your bibliography should include at least 10 scholarly, empirical, current sources (within the last 5 years) each 200 wordf that are directly related to your legislative proposal and supporting documentation. Be sure that you select a variety of respected sources that you can use in your paper. Format the bibliography in correct APA style.I will upload the outline so that you can have a general idea of what to look for doing this research. Please no Plagiarism… It will be checked Thanks

Final Assessment Bibliography Grading Rubric

Student Name:


9-10 points

7-8 points

5-6 points

3-4 points

1-2 points

0 points

Points Earned


Sources are interesting and are all clearly related to the topic.

Sources are interesting and most are clearly related to your topic.

Sources cover the topic, but they are uninteresting and their relationship to the project is unclear

Some of the sources  cover the topic, but the sources are uninspiring and their relationship to the project is unclear.

Few, if any, of the sources are related to the topic and they do not demonstrate the candidate’s interest in the topic.

Unclear if the sources are related or not.


Sources are all published within the correct timeframe for the topic.

Most, but not all, of the sources are published within the correct timeframe for the topic.

About half of the sources are published within the correct timeframe for the topic.

Some of the sources are published within the correct timeframe for the topic.

Few of the sources are published within the correct timeframe for the topic.

The timeframe is not relevant for the project topic.


Contains a variety of research sources and they are all written at the appropriate level for this project’s purpose.

Contains a variety

of research sources and most are written at the appropriate level for this project ’s purpose.

Contains less varied sources, but most are written at the appropriate level for this project ’s purpose.

Contains mostly one source type (i.e., Internet sites, books, etc.) and few are written at the appropriate level for this project ’s purpose.

Contains mostly one source type (i.e., Internet sites, books, etc.) and none are written at the appropriate level for this project ’s purpose.

Sources are inappropriate for this project’s purpose.


Sources have identifiable authors with relevant credentials.

Most sources have identifiable authors with relevant credentials.

Half of the sources have identifiable authors with relevant credentials..

A few of the sources have identifiable authors with relevant credentials.

Not much is known about the authors of the sources.

No attempt is made to identify the authors and their credentials.


At least 10 sources are formatted in the correct style.

At least 8 sources are formatted in the correct style with few errors.

At least 8 sources were cited, but some fail to meet the correct citation style.

At least 5 sources are cited, but in a different citation style than the one required.

Fewer than 5 sources are cited consistently, but do not follow a standard style.

Fewer than 5 sources are cited with no consistent citation style.

Total Points


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