Chap.13 Hwk Questions

Read Chapter 13. The main focus of this chapter is the Criminal Justice System. It mostly concerns the police and court components BUT remember, the CJ system has 3 parts-police, courts, and corrections. This last chapter is a “bridge” from this criminology course (CCJ 1010) and the American Criminal Justice System (CCJ 1020) course which deals with the CJ system completely.1. What are the 4 major roles/functions of the police in our society (pg 387)?2. What are the 3 main levels of police organization in the U.S.?3. What comprises the dual system of courts? What are the two parts?4. Who are the 3 main players/participants in the judicial process?5. Give 2 reasons for and 2 against the death penalty. The text indicates that Capital Punishment is LESS expensive than life imprisonment. This is an incorrect fact!! Capital punishment actually costs the state 3-4 times more than life imprisonment. A typical capital punishment case includuing the execution, in FL, costs approx. $24million!!  (That’s a lot of tax dollars!) The cost of a general population inmate is approx. $20,000 a year while death row inmates cost approx. 60,000 a year or more. Capital trials are far more expensive and the appeals costs are staggering. If you wish to research this, see the external links folder for a website or find one of your own!