Anxiety Disorder Paper

PaperStudents will either choose a hot topic in psychology (e.g. deep brain stimulation) or a psychological disorder to research – students should get their topic pre-approved by sending an email to the instructor. Students will write a 4 to 5 page paper on their chosen topic using APA format (note: the title page, abstract, nor the reference page count as part of the 4 to 5 pages; APA format requires double spacing so the page amount is not as overwhelming as it may seem). See link below for various APA resources. Final papers will be submitted to Safe Assign — this is a plagiarism check site.Helpful Resources for Papers/ProjectsHere are links to helpful tools that will aid you in your papers and projects.CitationAPAMLASon of Citation MachineCreating PowerPointsPowerPointsResearchOveta Culp Hobby Memorial LibraryPresentations OptionsPreziCentral Texas College Tutoring for WritingWriting TutoringFree TrialMicrosoft Office 365PLEASE FFOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS EXACTLY!!!!