Juvenile Justice 300 DB post plus 150 word DB response 2 PEER reveiwed cited on both questions

Need a 300 word response to the below question 1 Peer reveiwed sourcetalks about various surveys ..actually self report surveys that are done by people like you and me who report (1) their criiminal activity and (2) if they’ve ever been a victim of a crime.  My question this week is to figure out victims and why they become victims.  I think that would be an awesome topic to research frankly.  Why is it though some folks are victims of crimes more easily than others?  Is it wrong place, wrong time or do they do stupid things to contribute to their victimization (victim precipitation theory from criminology)?  Should we blame victims when they do stupid stuff like leave their keys in their cars and wonder why it got stolen, leave their kids alone and wonder why some child molester kidnapped them and the list goes on and on or should law enforcement officers be more sensitive when dealing with victims.  Your thoughts this week on what can be a pretty heated topic especially if you’ve ever been a victim.Need a 150 word resounce to below post Peer reveiwed source back up 1 peer reveiwed source citedThis is a loaded question. Just off the top of my head, victims are anyone from unborn babies to animals and lets not forget the elderly.We have alot of defenseless loving, feeling creatures that are mistreated which no survey ever gets to. Also, some people to get this servey and do not fill it out, hang up the phone or give false information. Just because a survey comes in the mail does not mean we are eager to fill it out and we do not know were it goes, who sees it and really, does anyone have time for that? Same with the phone calls, who are we talking to? As a victim, I am not going to relive a horrific time in my life over the phone with some stranger. The statistic numbers are wrong because people do not report and also as I said in the beginning babies,the unborn and elderly who do not get these blanket surveys cannot report themselves.I think everyone is a victim of some sort at least one time on their life, even petty theft. Some people are just in the wrong place at the wrong time, like the people that get hit in the head with a baseball at a baseball game. That is just wrong place/wrong time. Stupid things can lead to being a victim, leaving a door unlocked, going out with a rapist, inviting a serial killing over will make you a victim and is really stupid. However, we get in the ocean and there are man eating animals in there but we swim anyway, so where is the logic behind that? We are human and w won’t walk around in bubble wrap.Law enforcement should be enforcing the law. We all know there are good and bad people all over this world but it is not going to stop us from going out into the world. Planes, trains and cars crash but we use them. Ships and boats sink but we go on them. People can be horible but we socialize. Fire burns and water drowns but we get warm and we also swim. We do not stop living and sometimes we are careless. We even have dumb sayings , “Live like its you last day”.  Anyone can be a victim at anytime, just be prepared to fight and flight! Know the laws of being a victim, basically it is don’t become one. Then if you do, don’t be one for long, do not let them move you from the initial spot but most important get away. Get out of the sitaution as fast as you can. Do not wait around to see what is next, do not let them win you over. Stay in control of your own person and get out and away, whatever it takes. If you are abused in your home and use the excuse their is no help, you are helpless. There is so much help! Abusers will brainwash some people and it is mainly because they have been brainwashed themselves into being worthless. Birds of a feather!