
Summary and Brief These Cases;1)    Citizens United v. FEC2)    Lemon v. Kurtzman§  Answer this question which related to Citizens United v. FEC case  “ Does the corporation have the right of Freedom of Religion? “§  And then Discuss the different tests of establishment and which one we think the court should embrace or discuss the problems with the free exercise of jurisprudence.The requirements that my professor expect from me: -The first paragraph is your introductory paragraph.  Tell me why you are writing to me and a brief synopsis of what will follow: the cases you briefed. Then, spend a paragraph discussing substantively that participation. For example, discuss some points about the topic. Etc. So, explain the materials carefully. Tell me about the case itself.-       Explain whether you personally agree or disagree with those cases and whys.-       Free plagiarism.-       Use your own words.Form requirements:-       2 full pages, single space.-       Do not indent paragraphs.-       italicize or underline the names of cases.-       1 inch margins on all sides and typed in 12 point Times Roman font.-       I have attached my note for these Cases and will helps you A lot.I have attached the note.Summary and Brief These Cases and why you agree with the court opinion1 citizens v . FEC2 lemon v . kurtzman (talk about the test in this case)The requirements that my professor expect from me as what is: – The first paragraph is your introductory paragraph. Tell me why you are writing to me and a brief synopsis of what will follow: the cases you briefed. Then, spend a paragraph discussing substantively that participation. For example, discuss some points about the topic. Etc. So, explain the materials carefully (I will use these paragraphs to assist in my doing a qualitative measure of your participation). If a case, tell me about the case itself AND about the contribution you made in class. Remember, this is a thoughtful documentation, reflection and representation of your oral contribution and explanation of the substance of the materials. – Explain whether you personally agree or disagree with those cases and whys. – How you correlate with your classmates. – Free plagiarism. – Use your own words. Form requirements: – 2 full pages, single space, but double space between paragraphs. Add some participate that I have agree with someone with my classmate. – Do not indent paragraphs. – italicize or underline the names of cases. – 1 inch margins on all sides and typed in 12 point Times Roman font. – I have attached my note for these Cases and will helps you A lot. Please make sure follow these steps as what it is.