I think that all of the theories mentioned in this class have valid merits to them and have represented the social standards of their times.  It is also interesting that some of the theories have been discounted for new and improved ideas only to be revived at a later date.  To me, this just shows that some theories are more accurate than others.  The one theory that stands out most to me is the Rational Choice theory.Cornish and Clarke fully developed the theory of rational choice.  It is their belief that people will consider the risks and rewards before committing a crime.  “Drawing on other theoretical perspectives, they contend that the estimation of cost and benefits of crime is “influenced by such factors as the individual’s level of self-control, moral beliefs, strains, emotional state and association with delinquent peers (Bohm, R.M. Vogel, B.L., 2011, p. 18).”I also believe that people will consider the risks involved when committing crimes because they tend to look for easy targets for minimal to moderate rewards but on the other hand, a higher risk may be more acceptable for a higher reward.  There are those exceptions where offenders may have mental deficiencies or crimes that are “heat of the moment” where emotions have overridden logic.  The family structure and social environment can impact acceptable behavior but as a whole, I think the average person knows right from wrong and will consider the consequences of their actions before acting.REPLY TO THIS IN YOUR OWN WORDS 100 WORDS OR MORE ANSWER BY NUMBERS 1 AND 2The theories that best describe the phenomenon of crime are a mixture of various theories, but the three that show a bigger impact are the situational crime prevention theory, classical theory, and the social learning theory. I believe that most criminals learn their behavior from the community around them. We have certain areas of our town that harvest criminals and crime. For some reason these people just gravitate toward one another. If someone is raised around crime, low morals, and low self respect, then it is very likely that they will follow suit. Once the criminals are being developed by their environment, they are tempted by the easy access of valuables, shadows, and other criminal opportunities. Having a lack of neighborhood evolvement and watching each others back, have given the criminals a road paved in opportunity. I believe in the classical theory as well because some people do not have any other reason to commit crime other than their own free will and the ideas that the crimes have a greater benefit and reward than the punishment.REPLY IN YOUR OWN WORDS 100 WORDS OR MORE